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@codl FFXIVs new expansion launch? goes as well as you can expect any MMO launch to go

prediction: people are going to suffer for hours trying to get into the game, and then get randomly booted because it's an MMO and testing on that scale is pretty much impossible, give up, sleep, and wake up grumpy the day after

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

YoshiP standing in the middle of the FF14 server room approximately 22 minutes after launching Endwalker's Early Access (2021, Colorized):

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

@SwooshyCueb iirc that used the old speech recognition platform that's been available since Vista and runs on device, did it require training? the ones that do are pretty much always better than the general ones, with the downside that it's specific to the user

fun fact: when training the speech engine these days I just do the initial run once, and then fire up word, start transcription, and start reading a random wikipedia article, making sure to use the "correct word" functionality to make it learn when it misinterprets me - takes like 20 minutes for it to pretty much nail all words

surprised at how good the transcripts in Teams are, I mean, it handles accents other than Silicon Valley

@kat I don't know if queue cutting based on seniority would be terrible or great

I spent 45 minutes this morning in the shower thinking about corn

@Kaffe remind me to check who's home "sick" today to find people to play with lmao

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

@V at first when I saw this I thought you meant the video game The Division, and thought "damn, I missed some lore huh"


@flussence a cube cannot physically exist in this universe because atoms are round

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Bluesky Discord is in chaos as apparently anyone can tag everyone and nobody who can change it is online

ranting about work 

best thing is when you say no its suddenly no longer important because god forbid, you, a programmer, need to type words on the computer

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ranting about work 

why are some people completely unable to use a text chat for anything except asking if you're available for a call (they also make sure to send "Hi" and wait for your response before asking if you're available for a call)

@starseeker print out the international phonetic alphabet and start throwing darts

but in all seriousness, start with coming up with how naming works in the given culture - are people named based on professions, or are they named based on their parents, is it common to name children based on forefathers or popular figures, etc

You can get a lot of inspiration from just researching things here on earth, for example just here in Sweden you historically have, just for surnames:

1) People had no surnames, and was instead referred to by where they lived, or their profession, or "son/daughter of ..."
2) When people were drafted and had no surname, they were assigned one based on one or two words from nature, for example Qvist (branch) or Wikström (Bay-stream) - outside the military people formally adopted surnames in the form of "Namesson" or "Namesdotter", or their profession
3) Those with *son or *dotter names would keep the pattern going until it fell out of fashion at which point the names "froze", which is why you have a gazillion "Johansson" today
4) People emigrating to the US would simplify the name to make it easier to pronounce, so Johansson became Johnson, for example

judgment-free high level explanation about NFTs 

@LouInABox @hugh The rock in question is on private property, and privately owned - it's a cut block.

There's pretty much zero chance NFTs on their own would gain any special legal powers, the mechanisms to have it act as a one sided contract is already there, so it could be used to confer actual ownership of something if the author wanted to.

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