i have never been angry at WoW players for coming over to ffxiv but in this particular moment i am very slightly miffed

i've been here for 10 years let me into the game


@kat I don't know if queue cutting based on seniority would be terrible or great

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@ChlorideCull @kat new players waiting an entire day to join in prooobably isn't great for business

@Kaffe @ChlorideCull @kat

Anybody who unironically expected the arguably biggest MMO's most hyped Expansion ever to just immediately let them in and to have no queues, no lobby issues, and no server problems of any sort hasn't been paying attention to online games for the past 15 years.

@Aarkethrix @ChlorideCull @kat well yea queues are expected but if you're a new player it probably wouldn't be great to have the older players always getting to cut in front of you and you just have like.. indefinite queue

@Kaffe @Aarkethrix @ChlorideCull oh my god i'm not seriously asking for a seniority privilege thing it's fine

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