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elbow acting up

ouch oof owie

fun fact: if you've ever released a game, any game, no matter how popular, you can put it on mobygames

very angry rant, rental housing, sui ment, this post will probably be brought up as exhibit A in court at some point 

rental housing is such an immoral thing, it should be illegal

when you threaten to remove someone's home, the one solid foundation in their life, for capitalism? you deserve whatever they do to you, they could make you drink out of a straw for the rest of your life, and I would still think you deserve it, they could burn your house down and I'd call it poetic justice, they could blow their brains out on your porch and I'd try to hold you accountable for manslaughter

don't kill all landlords, no, keep them alive, torture them, make them suffer in agony for the rest of their short, pitiful lives, make them regret it every waking second

jean yeen wearing jeans talking to a jean jacket wearing yak

this is a sentence that bullies everyone with a Swedish accent

I'm watching this video on karamelldansen and, uh, balsamic vinegar?

my mood today has just been like, a sine wave

social situations are like walking a minefield, and when I'm fresh awake, I'm about as good at navigating it as I would be at navigating an actual minefield when fresh awake

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Me as a therapist: Hmm, so have you tried burying yourself under a mountain of stuffed animals?

I've rebranded my "can't be bothered to go buy clothes" as "against fast fashion" and "wears clothes until they are in tatters" as "eco-friendly"

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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

I want more cake by the ocean and riding elephants, and less WAP

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I miss when songs were clever with the sexual innuendo

in this house we stan izzy, she's our recycling queen

Playing Back 4 Blood just makes me want to fire up Left 4 Dead 2 again.

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Back 4 Blood, opinions 

But the single biggest crime, is that it's a zombie shooter where shooting zombies aren't satisfying. In Left 4 Dead 2 your shots would tear off parts, gore going everywhere, but in Back 4 Blood it's just, meh, they kinda fall down limp after a few shots

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Back 4 Blood, opinions 

What makes Left 4 Dead work is clear level design that always funnel you towards your goal, and make it clear how to reach it - you prepare in the safe room, you roll out and steamroll your way towards the next safe room, and then you repeat it again for four levels.

In Back 4 Blood there's so much mechanism bloat pushed in just to differentiate it from Left 4 Dead, you start in the safe room, you have cards that change how things play out, you have way too many weapons, some are in the shop, a lot are out in the world, they have attachments, maps suddenly start having subobjectives, it's just a mess!

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