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Back 4 Blood, opinions 

Honestly surprised how much "the original developers behind Left 4 Dead" don't know about how Left 4 Dead works and what makes it good - I'm not even through Act 1 and the pace is horrible, the levels are easy to get lost in, the AI is dumb, "mutants" are spongy, the guns feel horrible, etc etc

social dynamics ? 

sometimes I feel like I've accidentally stumbled into the VIP section of a hollywood bar when some of you, who I'd honestly consider at least somewhat famous, treat me as equal and a friend :dragnsob:

this is such a programmer message, you know, like, anyone else would say something like "we don't ship to this address"

selfie, no ec 

decided to do a Ichiban Kasuga

If only I could shave

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tempted to do an outrageous hairdo and go out on town today

after sitting here without anything to do most of my workday, I just got a pile dumped on me half an hour before I leave for the weekend lmao

not my problem

I have a better vacuum for everyday vacuuming, but this monster can also vacuum up wet things

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fun fact: I have a vacuum that has a "noise protection required" sticker on it because it's over 90 dB(A) when running

all the RAM is too fancy today, the only thing that will fit in this 1U case is value RAM without heatsinks, lol

I'm right now in this weird mindset where I want to go home and do stuff, but I don't know what stuff, and why I can't do it at work

another one is badcoin, which is just bitcoin except there's no security so everyone can steal from everyone

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one day I'll have to make sudoku coin, the cryptocurrency mined by solving sudoku, because it refuses to leave my head


you heard it here first, it's okay to pirate AAA games

this post contains a minion 

workplace (facebook for enterprise essentially) is wild, because you can have a discussion where one of the only people willing to confront the leadership has this as their avatar

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Good news for all you podcast fans out there. I've started a hot new podcast with @Draekos! We've resolved to rewatch the entire run of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It's called We Were Hit By A Horse Truck And Got Isekai'd Into Equestria?

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

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