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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Did you hear about the executive body of the European Union's plan to give out standardised study points for a course in a Scottish university on using small diophantine equations to detect and repair transmission errors using an embedded programming language in a computer interface used to debug cross-border trains run by a British company? (Content warning: _no_ eye contact!) 

It was the EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC EC (European Commission East Coast EuroCity ExpressCard Embedded C Elliptic Curve Error Correction Edinburgh College European Credit)

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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Feeling pretty good about snagging the one good domain from this GTLD.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

So shitbag company #AudioEye is suing @aardrian:

This is after sending him spurious cease and desist letters last year:

What is AudioEye?

It’s Magic Techbro Dust¹ you sprinkle on your website to – poof! – make it accessible.

Only it seems to keep getting folks sued for being inaccessible:

Almost like you can’t magically make an inaccessible site accessible or something… 🤔

¹ “accessibility plugin/overlay”

#a11y #web

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

H-hewwo?? Setback fow biggest deaw in gaming histowy as UK weguwatows bwock Micwosoft's $68.7bn bid to buy Caww of Duty makew (✿ ♡‿♡)

I should post mpeg-ts stream dumps of them, tbh - for fun

especially the old Netflix loading screen

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my TV is a bit odd when it comes to the TV tuner

It shows everything it can find, without regard for if it should be hidden or not according to the program table

So it shows me a really old Netflix loading screen on 168, a test channel with advertisements on a loop on 777, and OTA update channels for some receiver boxes in the channel list

someone was selling a vive pro with three trackers, three base stations, pulley system, controllers etc for $600 buy now price, but i accidentally placed a bid, and can no longer buy it for that :dragnsob:

Dusty :blahaj: boosted


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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

DISGUSTED at the double standards i see on mastodon.

When I, a silicon valley startup tech guy, talk about wanting activitypub to be the Next Big Thing, to see the fediverse grow endlessly, to expand to impossible sizes, I'm a Dirty Capitalist who you hate and want to murder

But when some FURRY posts about how they want to be INFLATED all HUGE until they're the BIGGEST AROUND


Dusty :blahaj: boosted

I have a piece of tape on my screen protector to avoid getting shards of glass in my fingers

I should probably replace it

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

I only know of one CA that absolutely makes sure of this - certum - and that's probably because their cheapest code signing cert is €25, so it would be trivial to test

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fun fact: every major code signing CA mandate that your private key is stored on a certified HSM or similar, but multiple CAs (including DigiCert and VeriSign) do not actually verify this from experience

and before anyone mentions using virustotal, it's a minimum of five digits USD for using it in a commercial, automated capacity - and I doubt I can get that greenlit for something that happens three times a year and is solved in a couple hours

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for how much of an issue "oops false positive on our software so it's deleted by antiviruses" is, no company offers a free (or even simple to order) command line scanner so we can actually check before releasing software

like, I'm sorry F-Secure is deleting our software, we had literally no way of knowing before release

watched Postal (2007) today, which, given it's a Uwe Boll movie, was certainly one of the movies of all time

would recommend heartily, if you leave your braincells at the door, and don't mind getting insulted and stereotyped (because that's postal's whole schtick, and the movie copies it)

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
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