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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

I should make a business card that just has all my interests in the job title field, to the point where it just leaves the card

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Linux-libre developers circa 2015: "amdgpu could function without firmware blobs, just offering degraded functionality"
The "degraded functionality": 3D graphics accelerator card does not accelerate 3D graphics

I need recommendations for recipes to cook for dinner during next week

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

so Kellogg's are hiring permanent replacement scabs it seems. it would be a Terrible Shame if their recruitment lines were absolutely fucked up with indistinguishably fake applications, so whatever you do Don't follow the instructions in the link below

my brain just gets really tickled by the idea of people not living on a single site apparently, I have the same reaction when I see someone from a discord server I'm in show up in a YouTube video in a notification lol

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every now and then I spot someone from here in YouTube comments and I just go

oh hey that's that person there from mastodon i should follow them

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Tess typed the words "I simply carrot bear this anymore" to me, so I turned it into a depressed root vegetable painting #BrynnDraws #Cursed #Art

one thing which I love about trackmania that makes it a very good highscore chasing game is that it's deterministic with basic mechanics that are easy to understand

If I crash, it's my fault (except for like one known bug in TMNF) and repeating my inputs will give me exactly the same outcome

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Fun fact: Phi (~1.618) is really close to the ratio between miles and kilometers (~1.609), which means you can use adjacent fibonacci numbers to quickly mentally convert back and forth between them.

for instance: 21 kilometers is roughly 13 miles (it's actually 13.05)

I love documentation

"A hard polygon limit will be established in the near future for VRChat Quest avatars. It will not be much higher than 5,000 triangles, hence our suggestion."

"Updated over 1 year ago"

the outlet that I connect my car's motor heater to can be turned on and off online, as well as operated on a schedule - you need this for your car in the winter here

the site you control it on is written in ASP, is half translated, and I've found at least three security issues already (You can turn on and off someone elses outlet and cancel their scheduled times, You can see their power usage, and you can have full control by using the automated dialing system since it authenticates you by caller ID which you can control with any big VOIP provider out there)

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do you ever run into a site that's so terrible, but you're forced to use it, and you just want to make a new frontend and give it to them for free to get rid of it

interviewer: so what is your biggest weakness?

me: this body contains two people, one who loves programming, the other loves spinning office chairs, and I can't control who is in control

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

vrchat, intense close-up eye contact 

do you have games on your phone

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

you know that story about the ancap who went to visit some anarchist house in greece, and they were like "wtf are you doing here" and he was like "hey i'm an anarchist!" and they were like "yay!" and then he revealed he was an ancap and they beat the shit out of him and broke his phone?

that's what i want us to do if someone tries to bring web3 here

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.