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you know you're about to buy the good shit on aliexpress when you're buying from Shop5764010 and the listing says you're the third person buying it

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

reasons that traditional social media sites get shut down
- we're out of money
- we want more money
- someone else wants our money
reasons that fedi instances get shut down
- harry potter video game
- someone lost the one flash drive all the data was on
- The Taliban

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

being nice to littles and being nice to furries involve the exact same actions. just where for furries you send pictures of their animal and say "hey what are you doing here!!", with littles you send them a picture of a capri sun and say "gives you this".

no difference.

making people smile is so easy i dunno why more people dont do it

my favorite part about having an old ipod is that if it's completely out of battery, and you don't have a firewire charger, you have to repeatedly unplug it in the hope that it will hang the processor, so it stops spinning up the HDD and builds enough charge to survive the attempt to boot

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Kenya's UBI trial data is in.
people dont stop working when they have a UBI.
lump sum UBI had the greatest economic benefit, creating a lot more entrepreneurs.

we have conclusively verified humans can be trusted to make excellent financial decisions.

now it is time to fix economic policies to connect people with money directly, not manage it for them out of mistrust.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

This wrench can get infected by ransomware. DRILLCRYPT, to be precise.

Essential for precision manufacturing, the Bosch device can be exploited with no authentication, disrupting an entire factory floor.

Torque values can be subtly changed to cause chaos in an assembly line.

23 vulnerabilities were discovered by researchers at Nozomi, which malicious actors can form into an attack chain resulting in production line stoppage.

amusingly, the "Auto-Submitted: auto-generated" header is a very good indicator for non-spam

more spam could get through filters if it was a bit more honest

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it's always interesting how spam filtering in email is simultaneously easy and hard

like, the majority of the flood can be blocked with very reliable indicators, but then there's all the ones hijacking legitimate services to deliver spam, like recently i've been seeing a lot of Okta welcome emails where my "name" is set to whatever they want to spam

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Smuggling news from xitter: it’s been conclusively proven that Tommy Tallerico did not write a single one of the songs he took credit for in Sonic and the Black Knight

edit: forgot about the blank thread issue, here’s a link that should load the whole thread for everyone

update update! I'm alive, and the power is back. Cell tower ran out of power lol

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update: they tried to turn the power on, which caused two transformers to catch on fire

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I'd normally grab a UPS or something, but that one is currently keeping the heating running, considering it's -32 C outside

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the "nice" thing about a BiPAP machine is that you can't miss a power outage

hello I woke up 3:30, it's currently 4:53, and power will be back by 7:00

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Bonus photo for the year: an alligator watches a rocket launch. In nearly 20 years of setting up cameras around the pads, I have never captured a gator in an image before. And more than just the eyes, they seem to be watching!

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

dronekink and open source software 

There is at least one commonly used rust crate out there that is miscredited because it was coded as part of a dronekink scene. It was released credited to the top in the scene because the drone who wrote it was regarded as a tool like vim, or vscode; not a person.

I'm to understand this arrangement was with consent and possibly even by request.

I'm sworn to secrecy on which one, though~
Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

The problem with a protocol trying to be everything to everyone is that it ends up being nothing to anyone.

The more flexible the protocol, the less value you add by using it versus just rolling your own.

This is not an absolute metric, but a sliding scale with multiple facets, and so we choose positions and tradeoffs, but there's always a question–should always be a question–of what value is being added, in what way, and what are the costs for that value.

Yes, this is about ActivityPub.

if anyone is playing pokemon sleep, please add me


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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.