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and yes, if you're wondering, I have been listening to furret walk this whole time

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there are two tools for exporting models and animations

one of them can't export multiple animations (which means it can't export pokémon)

the other one exports broken animations

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BOTW posting 

find yourself a friend with a smile like sidon

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BOTW posting 

Need to find out how to extract images from saves, because this is a good photo of a lizer

plural, shitpost 

us when someone asks what class we picked

mh -, ph - 

this is normal and fine for sitting still and working

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i use this for backups and I'm pretty sure it can't hit gigabit purely because the CPU is too weak lol

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It's surprisingly satisfying to make an emojo for oneself and then see other instances copy it to their instances

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.