
Kinda wish Mastodon didn't just rely on sidekiq automatically retrying after a certain time, but instead had per-instance queues it would drain at a decently high rate whenever it wouldn't return errors

The issue with automatic retries after delay is that I will be stuck getting two day old posts mixed with new ones for about two days

@nilsding It's not on my end, it's the queued retries on the push queue on other instances

Don't particularly feel like pestering all the other admins out there to manually queue them

@ChlorideCull oh, I see!

fwiw the retry queue over here is empty ^^

@nilsding yeah, I think most cleared out overnight, but elekk, cybre, and one of the bot instances are all still working off the retries

@nilsding that being said, I *did* just get a two day old toot from your instance

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