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In older systems, this bar mainly worked around the amount of "tasks" you'd put in an array or something, and the system would sign off and display the progress bar accordingly.

With files, its just % of bytes transferred so far, the read head.

But with other things, you dont *know* how much it's going to take, unless you know all the variables, in which case you can reduce the tasks to some degree that it'd skip those "time-taking tasks" in some efficient manner anyway.

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Just got thinking about the "progress bar" you often see in movies and games, like "hacking ... done" with the progress bar being linear or something

Funnily enough, i just realised it has a direct relationship with P=NP and the halting problem, because before the computer can ever display that bar, it has to know how long or how "much" each step of the progress bar has to take for it.


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