

I discovered the `virt` crate just now, and I went on a spree to discover stuff about libvirt and all

I p much have confidence that as long as I can wrestle it into a nice big crate that will handle everything nicely and ergonomically (as `virt` is literally just FFI C bindings to libvirt), XML stuff included, i can start using it as a train component

Oh, and the rust ecosystem will have a rust-made virtual machine library built on top of libvirt, heh

But i think imma make it git-only for now, and not yet put it on or something, though *maybe* I'll do it in 0.x fashion, and have a big banner saying "this is a work in progress", as my rust skills are kinda bad rn


Maybe I'll just focus on making this library first of all, make it a nice wrapper around virt, and only *then after* start making the component for train

I'm fairly convinced that I can make this work in rust, I'm just not convinced I can make it nice right off the bat


I might call the library "bogie", not sure tho

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