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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

this is a company with employees in five countries spanning multiple industries

god I can't wait until someone installs ransomware

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the security at Azure Devops at work is so good someone accidentally added their team as a required pull request reviewer for the entire company

CPP2IL works surprisingly well to analyze Unity assemblies that have run through IL2CPP

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

y'ever just fuck up so bad you can't even begin to explain where you went wrong?

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

What you think hacking looks like vs. What hacking actually looks like

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

The Illinois Department of Public Health has a very comprehensive drop-down menu for picking your preferred language, which is good, except that it is so comprehensive that it includes "English, Middle (1100-1500)" and "English, Old (ca. 400-1100)" right under English, also there's "Egyptian (Ancient)", "German, Old High ca. 1050-1500", "Irish, Old (to 900)", "Low Saxon", and, maybe most perplexingly, "Indo-European languages"

the fact that the sinnoh pokémon remakes is made on unity means ripping the models is really easy (as soon as you can get access to the files, which either needs it to be installed, or you to have dumped the master keys from a switch with an exploitable bootloader)

i've actually had to file a bug report for this because it's not on the list of known issues

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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

happy dragon appreciation day!

i know it falls on a monday but we can make this monday good.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

or how adding Notepad adds Internet Explorer

(Notepad pulls in the rest of the accessories like Paint, which pulls in the Help renderer, which pulls in MSHTML, which pulls in Internet Explorer)

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I also now understand why Windows 10 is built from individual components with dependencies now - it's literally what they've done for Embedded since the early days, except instead of untangling things after the fact, they keep things compartmentalized from the get go.

This also makes odd dependencies more obvious, like how in XP Embedded adding a serial device driver adds modem support, which adds a ton of GUI stuff

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(The embedded versions have two licenses, one for the tooling, which I have access to through work's Visual Studio subscription, and the runtime one, which is supposed to be specific to a product, and thus requires you to buy it separately - the runtime serial can be dumped from any image, so you can just get it from a thin client of the appropriate era)

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I actually worked on this yesterday, and I'm probably going to use XP Embedded instead, because

a) I surprisingly actually have a runtime license for it, so you don't have to sit through the FBA preparing the OS to avoid the evaluation time bomb

b) compiling software for XP is much easier than compiling software for NT 4

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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Animal crossing xpack: please.... The item limit... You can't... You need to remove something if you want to put more in... We're begging you... Think of the switch hardware... Please.......

Me, absolutely encrusting the walls of the clothing shop with clothing items: this is clutterbitch phobic

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.