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NT 4 embedded has a disk image that's like 10 MB, which gives me a gloriously cursed idea for a website that's still smaller than your average site today

I want to make the world's cheapest electric drum kit

each drum is a piece of cardboard, with a layer of tinfoil, and then a layer of plastic wrap - if you then cover the drum sticks in tinfoil as well you can use capacitive coupling to measure hits very roughly

could be even cheaper if you tolerate it being a binary hit/no hit like a rockband drum kit, at that point you can just use a ground strap and run a tiny current through the user to detect hits

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

we aren't talking about the real minority in LGBTQIA+ communities, the I specifically.... Italians

He's without work these days, because he can't hold any position for too long, once he gets bored of his work he will stir up shit and get fired. He's also basically unable to say anything but what people want to hear (as in lying) so he's a bit tough to talk to as well, you basically can't trust anything he says.

We're like, day and night, comparatively, lol

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"Why didn't your parents pick up signs that you might have ADD and Autism when you were younger?"

Well, my brother who has pretty severe ADHD and Autism torched a random car and ended up in our equivalent of juvie, so their expectations of indicators might have been a bit extreme.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

i downloaded all 10.000 of those ugly lazy lions nfts and turned them into a mosaic of a person right-clicking

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

theres a family of kbitties livin in the buildings basement

weird regional language, referencing animal abuse 

for some reason zip ties are called "cat stranglers" in my hometown and I'm both intrigued and horrified about how that happened

honestly, the biggest downside to not being trans is that I don't have a sweet pastel color scheme I can put on anything

gang violence, an excellent display in absolutely zero foresight 

if you want the latest news in gang crime in southern Sweden

some morons got caught having done a murder because they released a music video a week before they did it featuring:

* the murder weapon
* closeups of ejected rounds from the murder weapon, in HD
* the suspected escape vehicle
* let me repeat, yes, the murder weapon, the actual murder weapon, they put a real AK in a music video and expected to get away with it

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Today's gender is exhaustion and the sound of dry leaves crunching underfoot.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

TIL Hetzner doesn't allow adult content, yet half the fediverse is hosted by them

money ~ 

I really need to look over my finances and cut back on donations, I've spent close to $1000 already and it's only the fourth of November

I donate like, 20% of my monthly wage, which isn't really sustainable

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

yo, I'm wondering... do people have good fursuit foot paw patterns that I could use to make some for the sake of having some slippers?

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

What's your primary OS?

Boosts appreciated for sample size :)


the worst part about giving blood is that I feel like absolute trash the days after, just zero energy, which, I mean, makes sense I guess

serverless? that's just the same shared hosting concept you used back in 2006 for your PHP site, except with better PR

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.