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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

it's not a quick time event it's an active time manouver it's totally different

because I backed it at $50+ I got a bunch of extra stuff

including "Birb FBX + Tex + Anim (to share with other games).zip"

*vibrates in vrchat*

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music video, suicidal imagery but it's clippy

i love some of delta heavy's music videos

SkateBIRD is out! I've been following it for three years, and it's exactly what it sounds like

Steam, Itch, Switch, and Xbox

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

the evil sequel to "you are now breathing manually" 

fix your posture
Dusty :blahaj: boosted


JOKER (MARK HAMILL), OVER LOUDSPEAKER: "Batman, I need to complain to you about something. The Riddler refuses to add PluralKit to the villain's group Discord server despite Two-Face asking like five times! Well, the Riddler says he doesn't know how to add bots to a server. BUT RIDDLE ME THIS, BRUCE: WHY IS RYTHM IN THERE!?"


JOKER: "I don't have a trap for you. I just got back from the dentist."

after a solid 1.5 hours in rivals of aether, my controller has developed stick drift

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

god damn it i feel this in my bones

literally all of this is true i hate it


I just saw a Tumblr post about the "non-USAmerican" perspective of an incredibly over-Americanised Internet and these are some of the best parts of it.

I shit on America a lot on this account. In my opinion, with good reason. It's very very tiring to have to think by US means.


Dusty :blahaj: boosted

today's find on booth: a prefab for VRChat so you can crucify your favorite humanoid avatar

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

It's only a Minotaur if it's from the Labyrinth region of Crete, otherwise it's just sparkling cow fursona

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Me: <making awkward conversation with the time rift homosexually> Well uh I'm in 2021 right now

Future Historian: <nodding knowingly> Still in the snout-end of the OmniDeath Epoch. Fascinating. ... Say, why don't you seem to be embodying your kintype? Have the commies started attacking the GoogleFog already? There aren't really any records from your era so I'm sorry if these questions seem, uh, "cringe"

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.