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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

fucking IT - 

imagine being able to spend millions of public money on essentially reinventing email and sleep at night

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fucking IT - 

If more than three entities or products have to design something collaborately, it's guaranteed to be useless

This toot brought to you by "multiple agencies and municipalities reinventing email"

watercooler talk 

in other news, I've just been offered the opportunity to switch team for six months to one that doesn't promise things to customers on short deadlines

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watercooler talk - 

love getting handed a proposed solution you can't really change and instantly find a ton of issues

re: fat kink 

I'm back with 9 cheeseburgers and klor desperately wants their own account

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re: fat kink 

🚨klor fronting alert🚨

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fat kink 

what if I ate a ton of mcd and you rubbed my tummy and called me cute

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If I prevent myself from losing more weight for a week or so I get vaccinated earlier lol


needless to say I will put any "AI" under extreme scrutiny and make it completely infeasable to use, period

The amount of adversarial attacks you can make is ridiculous, and I'll make sure to highlight it

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work talk 

time to spend an hour listening to this mandatory company wide meeting and get demoralized over them having a wank fest over "AI" while ignoring people who actually get things done

Suicide mention (not me) 

Why are people who's entire job revolves around PR either great at it, or absolutely worthless

If you are a state agency responsible for disability benefits, and someone kills themselves after you take the decision to revoke it, you don't respond with "we won't comment because your viewers might accuse us of being part of the reason why they killed themselves" like holy fuck what is wrong with you, that ship sailed when you were mentioned in the fucking suicide letter

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

just fyi, all 6-9 digit numeric .XYZ domain names are 1 USD per year. No joke

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

$ help 🐀 

It’s been hard recently. I’m doing my best to find another job, just no leads yet. I didn’t even have enough for lunch before work yesterday, card declined. I have upcoming bills to pay for, and I could still really use the help. I’m sorry I ask so much. I don’t want to, but I need to. Thanks for helping out as much as you have, Fedi and Friends.💚🐀


kofi in bio

ph - 

I sure love having to lie in bed with sunglasses and hearing protection because hypersensitivity

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motherboard manufacturers: "space is a premium, literally every surface is covered in components"

people working on the USB spec: "what if we made the motherboard USB connector take up roughly the same amount of space but with half the external connectors per internal connector"

I wonder how widespread adoption we will actually see for USB4, given how much more complex it is, since it's based on Thunderbolt.

Hell, just full USB-C adoption has been slow due to the increase in complexity.

there's also a bunch you can find in the V-USB repo which circumvents the "you may not give away IDs" restrictions by just guaranteeing that a range of IDs will never be used by them

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some USB IDs to use that likely won't cause issues because fuck paying for them:

045e:ffff - the default ID used by Windows CE devices connected in mass storage mode, didn't have special drivers
046b:0001 - it's been a while since AMI made keyboards
0483:5721/5722 - used for STMs USB demo code
04d8:000a - Microchip, used for USB demo code

there's a bunch you could use without many issues

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.