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plural stuff, long 

For those not up to date on my Personal Lore, for about a year I had a period where I went from just going by Cloud Chiller to also going by Chloride Cull, especially among fetish circles.

For years I've considered that whole thing mostly a case of separating identities, but on reflection, it might have been more.

How I behaved and thought flipped around depending on which character I was "acting as", and things were pretty cleanly deliminated - I was either Cloud Chiller, or Chloride Cull.

In hindsight, it's likely I accidentally made a plural system? It no longer exists, I think, as our personalities merged - it's why I still go by Chloride Cull everywhere, despite that not being the name of my fursona, and probably why I'm a bit more open about stuff.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

i wonder if servers will ever switch from VGA outputs

like, getting monitors with VGA inputs is getting a tad hard by this point

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

blows a kiss at the dragon reading this

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

my army grows..

tbh i would definitely do more of these as commissions if anyone wants

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

deadass, xkcd's presentation of the idea of the "lucky 10,000" (and, more generally, the framing of how cool it is to be able to introduce people to exciting ideas) is an immensely valuable contribution to our culture.

it's like

I now have an hour of work day left

I have zero spoons left because of this arguing

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today has been an "argue over the design of something in a pull request all day" day


Dusty :blahaj: boosted

absolutely nothing is stopping you from being completely and disgustingly self indulgent. draw fanart from ur fave cartoon from when u were 12. play pokepark wii as a 20 year old. identify as a vampire online. who gives a fuck anymore. not you

and whoever decided hedgehogs should be called "slugcats" (roughly) back in Old Norse times really needed glasses

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all those silent letters in words? they probably weren't always silent, we've just dropped them to make pronunciations flow better

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linguistics is probably one of my favorite subjects, because it's so interesting

words are built in a way that makes sense at its conception, or straight up taken from another language literally and then through folk etymology, bracketing, and other forces, it becomes its own word

Okay, it's probably just cribbed from Eikþyrnir, which makes more sense to pronounce

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Eikthyr is clearly named such because it sounds cool, not because it makes sense - that "kth" is really awkward to pronounce

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that being said, it's painfully obvious when the devs have made up a word, because it makes zero sense if you try to pronounce it

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