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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

the Disney vs. public domain distinction of “if Pooh has pants on, that’s Disney. If he’s nude, that’s public domain” should apply to all Disney characters

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

There are dozens of fish or fish-like emoji (e.g., 🐟 🐠🎣🐡🦈🐬🐳🐋🐟.𓆝𓆟)

In fact, there are so many that, if I sent you a random one, a third party wouldn't have a good chance of guessing which one I'd sent.
This means we could adopt a new form of 2FA based on sending fish emoji

“In addition to your password, please log in with your one-time cod”

update on my technical issues 

so, no backups of the VM that ran veeam, which is annoying because that also ran my AD - don't ask me why I had active directory set up at home (it's because SSO is nice), so now I have a bunch of computers that need to be disconnected and have their profiles migrated

the controller on the SSD is also definitely dead

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

more wholesome coiling, suggestive 

two neurodivergent queer reptiles walk into a room

no braincells were had that day

it's official

Your controller cooked itself

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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

I dreamt that someone made a discord backend for phpBB

as in each thread on the forum was a discord thread, and each post was a message

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Someone on Tumblr said walking around in your PJs with your cellphone flashlight was the modern equivalent of the nightgown and cap dude with the candle and now I think of that every time I have to get up and get something in the middle of the night.

It's somewhat ironic that I don't have any backups of this one because it's used by the backup server

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I may have a dying SSD in one of my machines, guys, gals, and non-binary pals

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
An LG smart TV, without the screen. A VNC server is running on the TV, which my phone is connected to.

nfts, fediverse 

one of those instances that everyone blocks for being facists are advertising NFTs in the sidebar lol

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Thinking Person's Guide to Autism asked me to write about autism and routines for them.

Routines can be really helpful, mainly by reducing cognitive load and uncertainty; however, if they're imposed by someone else, and especially if they don't feel like they make sense, they can really backfire.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

they should add a feature to mastodon where you can run around the federated timeline with scissors

Dusty :blahaj: boosted


Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

*grumbles in admin* I dun wanna and never will read your damn dms.

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.