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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

about the current harassment wave, boost for awareness 

@maia also! enable AUTHORIZED_FETCH ( on your mastodon instance so instance suspensions actually protect your toots a bit more

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

about the current harassment wave, boost for awareness 

the harassment instances such as poast, nicecrew, etc are currently going through the introductions hashtag to try and find any queer people they can find to harass, as well as spamming it with their own shit.

a lot of the harassment replies /untag/ the original poster so they might not realize those are replies are there but other people looking at the post will see them.

please defederate from any such instances to keep your users safe, they're very nasty.
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Hello my lovely people, here's your morning/afternoon coffee ☕

(I sometimes draw fan art of different video game franchises but not regularly so don't expect a lot of it please 😅)

#MastoArt #Pokemon #artist #fanart

i may have accidentally managed to get crowdsec to ban my IP from the mail server

if you're a small instance and need some way to send confirmation email, and you can't just use your ISPs obscure email service - I can set you up with an SMTP account on my server that I use for all domains

Remember that you implicitly trust whoever runs that service though, so while it could easily handle 2000 outgoing emails a day, you probably don't want to trust me with that

@vgan how's the ATM supposed to work? Can't get any deposits working - "deposit currency" doesn't deposit anything (I just get an empty balance statement back), and other deposit commands don't give a response.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Fedi instance idea: a normal fedi server but at full moon the users can only post variations of "awoo"

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

"Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow!"

This pangram (a sentence using every letter of the alphabet) is so much more bad-ass than the stupid "quick brown fox" that I had to illustrate it. A tribute to master Jean Giraud (aka Moebius).

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

i'm having stardew on a stream in the background and one of the sound effects is the one the masto front end uses for notifications

I think I just ended up being exposed to the most annoying federation bug

someone boosted a "ph -" post of mine (presumably by accident from the federated timeline), so my instance got told about it, and it ended up in my notifications

this person then undid the boost, as evident from the fact that it's not visible on their outbox - except that was never federated to my instance, so it still says they boosted it in my notifications, and it still says one boost if you open the post

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

this brought to you by a scam email that seems to genuinely be sent from outlook express on XP

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adding "X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 6.00.2600.0000" to all my emails as a bit

I have a script in the crontab that checks if the data partition for minio is mounted ro, if it is it stops minio, unmounts the partition, runs fsck, remounts the partition, and restarts minio

all because VMware times out writes and reads twice a week

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reminder that VMware is garbage and sometimes times out the paravirtual SCSI adapter when reading and writing to virtual disks

It's much faster *when it works*

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.