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Hounding everyone at work to get the greenlight to release something under MIT license that I wrote in three hours, with more business value if released, to hammer home how mind-boggling it is that internal policy does not allow me to make this decision on my own

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

This is the face of someone who absolutely invented something for kink reasons

just learned about autohaemorrhaging which is fucking metal

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

I need horrible puns and wordplay for my corner of this vrchat map

For example, two I have right now is "Klorner" and "Klorida Feys"

if I want to be on the vrchat meetup today I have to stay up for 21 hours

i tried to redraft that a lot quicker but i'm getting hit by gateway timeouts, which is, uh, not good

also for some god forsaken reason math.pow isn't exposed to udon

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okay, got the bindings working, so now I don't have to use the streaming extractor at all, instead sticking to just a python script

made a simple visualizer (multiply a counter at a fixed rate, set it to the beat loudness if it's higher) and made the loudness numbers "more right" by applying stevens's power law (basically pow(energy, 0.67))

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friendly reminder it's relatively trivial to liberate app rental scooters 💕💕

currently uploading a gazillion files to

no one else should need to go through my pain to get these files

although fun side effect is that because I make sure everything has a MusicBrainz tag and AcousticBrainz data exists, I can do silly things like sort my music library by dancability

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although essentia seems to have python bindings, and it seems easy enough to just get the loudness after the fact from the regression tests

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.