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one of the only good things to come out of "the cloud" is spot instances

yes let me spin up something extremely overpowered at pennies on the dollar please

trying to find software for the Samsung Omnia 7 has really shown me how much link rot affects shit

* Lots of software was uploaded to now dead filesharing sites (thanks MPAA)
* Lots of software was uploaded to folks dropboxes, which has since been deleted
* When XDA migrated forum software a ton of attachment just went poof
* A bunch of useful guides has been nuked as people have left XDA

The sole reason I managed to get stock ROMs after looking for multiple hours is because some dude on uploaded it to mega


Fun fact: the deep dungeon drop system is internally referred to as a gacha

correction: need to implement it for both Windows Phone 7.8 and Windows Mobile 6.5

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If I reimplement owotrack for Windows Phone i can have lower body tracking

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using my three spare phones to have single leg tracking with slimevr

fun fact: it's a huge pain in the ass to own stock in a company you work for

the only time I could buy and sell was when I was on vacation and ostensibly had no idea what was going on at work, because I would find information that would make it insider trading daily

fucking with the legal system when you're dead 

Prepare a Raspberry Pi and tell people in your will to not touch it, then have it automatically do crimes six months after your death

at that point, your estate should be without any money as it's already been handed out, and there's essentially zero repercussions the legal system can have for whatever you do after your death

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

anyone wanna FFXIV

I need to do a bunch of Hard dungeons and trials for the first time to clear out my journal

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

"These copper ingots," the devil said, "are of sub-par quality."
"You accepted them as payment," the merchant said, "the deal is done."
"Very well. I will uphold my end of the bargain," the devil said. "Your name will live forever."
"That is all I ask," said Ea-nasir.
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Irrational Duty Finder Anxiety is a good band name

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anyone wanna FFXIV

I need to do a bunch of Hard dungeons and trials for the first time to clear out my journal

my shoulder has fucked off and decided that's enough work for today

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

wish irl animals just shouted their name real loud like pokemon do

"hey dusty, why is this an issue"

Well, let me just go ask my Lettuce Gay Bacon Tomato Queer friends

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my brain is doing the thing where it mixes up initialisms again

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.