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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Hot take: reducing the potentials for means of presentation, with the likes of how #Gemini does it, greatly reduces #accessibility of the system.
If one side-steps the constraints of the means of presentation using ASCII art, they are going to end up making screen readers talk gibberish, unless there is some way to annotate that the art is not to be read. And at that point you're half a step away from adding images and calling the annotation a caption.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

RSD +, oops this post got kinda rambly 

RSD sucks but an important thing I've learned is that more often than not those feelings are lies my mind tells to me. when it happens I may get kinda blue but I keep faith that the people I'm near care about me, I remind myself my brain is being unreasonable, and in a little bit of time the person or people who may have triggered the RSD come around on their own and give me the positive attention I needed- because wow they care about me go figure.

this is long winded but I guess my point is that while RSD symptoms are very real it is also important to acknowledge to yourself that those feelings are not necessarily reasonable. putting pressure on others to fix this irrational feeling can potentially strain your relationship. just, try and be mindful in how you approach it ykno

what brought this post on is that this is just something I deal with a lot and I've been trying to get better at handling it and I think I'm doing alright 💙

shop talk? 

here in sweden the company has a responsibility to make sure you don't fuck up your body on company time

my desk at work has a thing for my feet to stim with, a special chair, and a special screen mount because i'm tall

they are going to try to remove permanent desks when they renovate the office

take a bet on how many weeks until I'll get one assigned to me, when it would take 40 minutes to drag out the chair and feet thing from storage, and install the screen mounts, and it would take just as long to put it away again

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

new extremely bad idea for you all to use in your #dungeonsanddragons campaigns (free of charge, you're welcome)

item: pocket pussy of holding

operates like a regular bag of holding. looks like a fleshlight.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

food, non-vegan 

time to wait one and a half hours

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Remember several months ago when Eugen was trying to get screenshots for branding, and complained about us boosting @horsefucker_thicc onto his timeline constantly

I think about this when people say the toot branding should be changed to something more serious

why do I click "sensitive content" the moment I see it without reading the CW

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Really mad about this Linux kernel - academic research kerfuffle. See:

TL;DR: researchers at UMN introduced patches to Linux kernel that contained known-buggy code TO WRITE A PAPER and the UMN IRB didn't consider it human subjects research :blobangery:

Wtaf were these researchers thinking? How did the IRB not consider this human subjects resaerch? How did someone think this was an ethical thing to do?

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

fucking with police tech 

Ok, so cops have this tool called Cellbrite they use to automate collecting data off of cell phones that they physically posses and are unlocked.

Turns out, Cellbrite has shite security, which means that you can drop an otherwise-inert file somewhere in your phone's system that, if scanned, will inject itself and allow arbitrary code execution on their Cellbrite device. I.E, you can make their hardware do literally anything you want, including compromising any data the device collects.

And in what they describe as unrelated news, Signal will start occasionally and randomly stashing some inert files in installations on established accounts.

"before I compare this person to a famous philosopher from the 1600's I should probably make sure that's not offensive"

*looks at wikipedia*

"let me just erase this toot real quick and never speak of it again"

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.