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this TV has a step above game mode, called "Pure Direct", that seems to just bypass as much as possible and just put the original signal onto the display as is

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Tile Mesh from Source 2 is like the best thing I've ever seen, combining brush based level creation with tilesets

The quick detail of tilesets, but with the individuality and customization of brushes

this is the kind of April Fools prank I like

LowSpecGamer is streaming "LowSpec beats to tweak/build to"

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

things you're allowed to do today:
- whoopee cushions
- announce a "new project"
- write an April Fools RFC

things you're not allowed to do today:
- literally any other "prank"

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

"Do not meddle in the affairs of Dragons, you you crunchy and taste good with ketchup"

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Dusty :blahaj: boosted

TDOV, begpost 

hey so uh for TDOV could it be possible for people to ensure i get HRT past this month?? please??
i need money for other things but having hrt is probably the most important to me personally

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

"But how?" the evil overlord said. "Neither man nor woman can slay me."
"Dude," the hero said, wiping the blood off their sword, "that's your problem right there. Oversimplifying everything."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted
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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.