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thank you hyrule warriors for introducing me to the warriors franchise

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

i have developed an emotional connection to the boat

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Bringing the polycule to family feud we're in it to win it,, you're bringing grandma? Thats cute, try 6 queer nerds with various special interests and hyper fixations

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

Just noticed that Ever Globe, an identical sister ship to Ever Given, is about to head through the same stretch of canal going the other way and I am praying for them to do the funniest thing of all time

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

so, uh, I have no clue what to do on my free time now, at least for two days until one of the two fingers is no longer extremely sensitive

can we have a holly sneezes bot that just boosts every single holly sneeze


the doctor had to have my finger tourniqued for 10 minutes

he complimented me on my pain threshold because "most people are usually screaming in pain by now"

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just got back from the doctor after cutting off the tip of my left ringfinger

to this day i'm amused how nintendo's regional distribution setup looks

Nintendo of Europe
Nintendo of America
Bergsala AB

you may have noticed that the last one isn't nintendo

that's because it's a small electronics company here in sweden whose owner basically stumbled upon a game and watch while in singapore and managed to convince (by lying about how big his company ways) nintendo to get exclusive redistribution rights for all their stuff up here when they were primarily doing arcades and game and watch

we even almost got PAL famicoms

I sold the Bitcoin for $200 roughly, if I had sold it at peak it would've been $2000

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We run on pretty much exclusively hydroelectric power up here in the north of Sweden anyways, with a bit of wind power now in later years

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I mined Bitcoin for a bit, and in my defence, I did it to heat my room

like, marketing 101 is knowing your audience, do you think crypto and NFTs will increase or decrease your audience?

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I'm continously amazed that the only thing that could be considered a vrchat competitor continues to fuck up, making vrchat win by doing absolutely nothing (as usual)

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

NeosVR Crypto Warning 

I really wanted to support this alongside VRchat because I think having competition in the social VR space is good, but man, fuck Neos for this. They are adding NFT items to the game, on top of having already used a custom cryptocurrency.

I wish the worst on everyone involved with this decision.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

MY WIFE SURPRISED ME WITH A COMMISSION OF DRAGON AND AAA this is like the most beautiful thing i have ever seen look at herrrrrrrrrrr omg i love this so much im vibrating

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.