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i may have just made the most disgusting soap ever 

like the CW says

I just made soap from old deep fryer oil, it smells like, well, old deep fryer oil, so fish

electronics gore 

I present, what happens when you ship electronics with zero padding in the package

programming while listening to UKF Dubstep 2010

if you can't make a PCB, you can make do with cardboard, super glue, double sided tape, and tinfoil

protip: don't have your first flight be on a windy day

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i'm playing with midjourney and in this image it looks like there's a crow with a hat in the clouds in the top right

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

really wish I could enter IPA directly instead of guessing what text snippets produce what sounds

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I'm replacing all the default OpenTX TTS voice clips with Hatsune Miku

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

one of these are not like the other

sony should maybe make the mustache a bit wider, just maybe

wish there was a "fuck me up please" flag I could set to signal other servers they don't have to rate limit themselves

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.