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@Zest making a high quality world involves a lot of fiddly precision as any issues are rather glaring, and VR does not do precision well


@Zest not being able to make worlds outside of VR is such a dealbreaker due to the amount of time it makes to create a high quality world, it's just unfeasable to spend that much time in a row inside VR @snailerotica i mean, even if I know of a small publisher's online store, I'm pretty unlikely to use it, because it's another place that has my personal info and will inevitably be hacked, and a small publisher-specific platform will be closed down eventually

if it's DRM free, get it onto GOG, they tend to be pretty open with what they accept

get it onto itch, that's basically available for everyone

the humble widget lets you sell from your own page for a very small cut, and humble bundle handles all the money charging and file hosting

@codl that's what I have on most of my servers, mostly because the accounts have password authentication disabled @snailerotica be open to things like exclusives on other distribution platforms, I guess

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

@fenomenologen Staten har noll intresse av oss här uppe med undantag för våra resurser, i grund och botten.

@fenomenologen Problemet om det är statligt är att all budget osv också är på statlig nivå, så allt går dit det finns mest befolkning. Se till exempel hur kontorsstängningarna hos AF drabbade oss här uppe jämfört med södra Sverige, till exempel, eller hur Botniabanan konstant skjuts upp.

re: mh, hopefully helpful 

@heatherhorns as hollow as "it gets better" sounds, it's true - if you attempt to fix things, you're bound to improve things incrementally, that's just statistics

@fenomenologen och ersätta med vadå? Om med något rikstäckande så räknar jag med att vi här uppe nerprioriteras, och om det blir med något kommunalt så räknar jag med att vården i genomsnitt blir sämre, speciellt i små kommuner.

Dusty :blahaj: boosted

@derFisch regular soap also works a treat, but it doesn't evaporate like iso

but yeah, I produce tons of oil, so I know all about cleaning it :P

@derFisch skin oils and dead cells, usually

you can usually get most of it away with 50% isopropanol and some scrubbing

Dusty :blahaj: boosted
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