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"hey dusty how do you make sure your sculpts fit your proportions"

selfie?, ec 

this is why I have OBS installed on my work computer

the webcam is garbage and I need to color correct it

the cam link 4k works nice though, and it doesn't need any special drivers or anything!

selfie, ec 

have an old photo of me with the hairstyle I strive for

wound, pretty crystals 

the thing they put in the wound crystallizes in contact with blood


since it's ruined already i might as well cover it with stickers


they are now on a hill and apparently substance has a plugin for unity that lets you straight up import substance materials

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placeholder environment textures and trees, but hey, it works

the furrets are playing the music, have considered having them walk around with small speakers on their heads

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i'm remaking the textures because 256x256 (or rather 256x512 because of some neat shader hacks) doesn't really hold up on desktop

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

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