
Man goes to Windows. Says thing is not working. Says he's getting a strange error. Says he feels lost and unsure what to do. Windows says, "Solution is simple. Administrator is in the office today. Go and see him. He should know the answer." Man bursts into tears. Says, "But Windows... I am Administrator!"

@ChlorideCull it took me a while to get it but yeah, yeah I can see why that's funny

Long rambling about linux vs windows 

@ChlorideCull Man goes to Linux. Says he wants to play some games using his wireless xbox controller. Says it doesn't wan't to work. Says that he checked the Internet for solution. Says that he foud one but it didn't work. Says that he has no time for fixing that, boots Windows and plays a game.

Man goes to Linux. Says he pluged in external HHD and it didn't come up. Says he checked terminal. Linux says it doesn't know anything about external disk. Man says he checked the Internet for solution. Says he found nothing that matches his problem. Says he gave up and booted Windows. Says that Windows saw disk with no problems.

Man goes to Linux. Says he wanted to work on his php project. Says he installed a PHPStorm. Says that PHPStorm does not see php executable. Says he went to friend for help. Friend says to install JetBrains ToolBox and install PHPStorm through that. Mas says he did it and still it does not se the executable. They both says they spent an hour trying to make it work, but with no results. Mas says he gave up and booted Windows. Says he opened PHPStorm and worked at his project with no problem.

Yeah... That's basically my experience with Linux. I think I will stick to Windows and it's sometimes weird errors.

Long rambling about linux vs windows 

@_syhmac @ChlorideCull

Because people report such experiences, I'm willing to believe that they have them. I on the other hand find that Windows mostly doesn't do what I want, or even provide a way to do what I want, and expects me to pay for the privilege.

If I'm going to have an unsatisfactory operating system (which is any operating system I don't create myself for my own needs, and I'm not enough of a hacker to do that, so "any operating system"), I'll take the one I don't have to pay for.

re: Long rambling about linux vs windows 

@tsukkitsune @ChlorideCull Cool, that's your own decision. Mine is to use system that works for me and where I don't have to struggle with such trivial tasks like connecting a controller or USB disk.

To be clear. I'm not hating linux. I'm using it right now, as it's fine for social media browsing on low-end notebook, but I wouldn't use it as my daily-driver.

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