goermany question 

okay so does anyone know any Good places where you can get a decent desk lamp because holy shit ive looked through like 5 different german furniture stores and i just cannot find a normal desk lamp because all of them are either something funky and weird, too small Or have a separate stand and don't clamp to the side of the desk

why is it so hard to find a normal lamp, isn't that what furniture stores usually are for

like this type of lamp is literally all i need and ive been looking for several days and couldnt find a good one (i did find a slightly similar one but the top part is shaped in a super weird angled way i dont like it)


goermany question 

@AgathaSorceress isn't exactly that lamp from ikea? It looks like the one I have

re: goermany question 

@ChlorideCull found it, thank you! the photo was from google images so I didn't know where the lamp came from

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