chitter and the environment 

since i'm thinking about it,

chitter is currently hosted and served entirely out of one server at hetzner in falkenstein. said server is one of those auction ones, so likely not the most power-efficient, but I am told that that datacenter uses 100% hydropower so maybe it doesn't matter?

not included in that 100% is transit outside of hetzner


re: chitter and the environment 

@codl if it does or doesn't matter because the DC "uses 100% hydropower" is one of those annoying things to figure out because it entirely depends on how the grid operators handle power generation and how they adjust the mix as demand rises and falls

while I prefer places that do that whole "100% renewable energy" thing it's not really something you can put weight into, because all it means is "our power company promises to generate the same amounts of kWh as we use with renewable energy", which doesn't really matter much (hydropower and wind turbines are cheaper per kWh than non-renewable sources when up and running)

tl;dr; don't worry about it honestly

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