gosh i remember listening to a podcast (probably an episode of HTTP 203 now that i think about it) about this idea years ago, i figured the proposal had been abandoned, cool to see it's still active

true OGs remember <meta http-equiv="page-enter">

i am not a true OG codl please explain 

internet explorer (up to 6? i think) had a bunch of built in page transitions that you could use using that tag. fades and wipes and barn door wipes, all the good powerpoint shit

re: i am not a true OG codl please explain 

it's kinda hard to find documentation on this, all that's left is forum posts from people using a short crossfade to hide the flash of unstyled content (huge brains tbh)

anyway back to shared element transitions, something i think was mentioned in that old podcast episode and that's missing from this proposal is the ability to straight up hand a dom element over to next page. by which i mean i want to write like 20 lines of javascript and have a music player somewhere on the page that survives and keeps playing through navigating to other pages on the site

i get that it's complicated but it's kinda my holy grail. i hate that you have to turn your website into a SPA for this


@codl you could also put your entire site in iframes, you know, revive good old frameset

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