gang violence, an excellent display in absolutely zero foresight 

if you want the latest news in gang crime in southern Sweden

some morons got caught having done a murder because they released a music video a week before they did it featuring:

* the murder weapon
* closeups of ejected rounds from the murder weapon, in HD
* the suspected escape vehicle
* let me repeat, yes, the murder weapon, the actual murder weapon, they put a real AK in a music video and expected to get away with it

gang violence, an excellent display in absolutely zero foresight 

@ChlorideCull up there with the time a dude had a murder scene tattooed on his chest

an *unsolved* murder scene

in extreme detail, to the point he had to have been there at the time


gang violence, an excellent display in absolutely zero foresight 

@starseeker there's still a bunch of defences for that though, like "Oh I saw a photo on the news and just imagined in detail how it looked like"

There's really no defence when you've filmed yourself with the murder weapon

Only thing that could've been worse would've been doing a fucking vlog while committing the murder

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