I'm finally watching American Psycho after seeing the business card scene a billion times and then of course the cat-picture edit of it that's been going around

This movie sure goes places

I love how Plex lists The Life Aquatic and Fantastic Mr. Fox as "related movies"

I mean I guess they're related in that they're on the same hard drive but uh

also the SUper Mario Bros movie for some reason

but at least Silent Night Deadly Night 2 is a reasonable suggestion

anyway now I'm watching a silly silent movie called "Doublecross" that my mom was in, because Plex confused it with a Hollywood movie called "Double Cross" and like. why not.

I should probably add this movie to IMDb, just so my mom can have an IMDb page.

(I did voice acting and music/sound on an animated short that got some festival time.)

ironically I'm not listed in imdb for the thing I got an Emmy for


@fluffy what a thing to just casually drop lmao

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