deliberately blocking HTTP/3 until it's stable because there's zero benefits to the user 99% of the time and browsers shouldn't have draft RFCs enabled by default

HTTP/3 pretty much only benefits CDNs with a large number of domains that resolve to one IP, and very lossy (>50%) connections

so basically, fuck HTTP/3

@ChlorideCull wow that sounds vastly worse than http/2 in all respects


@00dani it's just HTTP/2 with QUIC instead of TCP

although I guess one benefit of it is that connections are handled in userspace and is no longer tied to your IP, so you don't lose connection when going from WiFi to 4G for example

@ChlorideCull huh. sounds like an http/2.1 to me

i don't understand why folks are so enthusiastic to bump the major version number when they make a really minor change

@00dani it's a major change because it requires you to implement a QUIC stack in your software and integrate your HTTP/2 code into it partially

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