
censored kink art 

if you ever think I joke about actually having a porn management solution

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censored kink art 

Even with small sized art libary, tagging all the images is not reasonable.

censored kink art 

@Gregor I can pull tags from external sources, and also quick assign some tags with two keystrokes, when I've done tagging passes of all 10k+ images it takes around 5 seconds per image, so I was done in a couple of days

censored kink art 

@ChlorideCull @Gregor this would be fairly useful for us, but we don't know coding well, and we don't know if the saved art we have so far would work with this system

censored kink art 

@ChlorideCull @Gregor we have a tag system, but while we don't have to type each one, we do have to check mark them for each piece

censored kink art 

@ChlorideCull does this contain collected stuff from the interwebs or just art you commissioned?

censored kink art 

@nilsding art from the interwebs, complete with all known sources

i do not commission enough art to warrant anything fancier than folders

censored kink art, drgn bein silly 

@ChlorideCull this one is lookin a little sus

censored kink art, drgn bein silly 

@toydragon i will step on you

censored kink art, drgn bein silly 

@toydragon @ChlorideCull

clarjon hoLy fuck

censored kink art 

@ChlorideCull i was looking into the same thing lmao, which one are you running

censored kink art 

@k I've written my own

censored kink art 

@ChlorideCull I’ve considered doing the same

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