
meta on moderation and administration in general 

as forced as asking people to be professional feels on here, it's really the best way to handle moderation and administration, for the same reason it's used by boring people in business - it's really hard to take away anything from it except what is intended

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meta on moderation and administration in general 

@ChlorideCull personally i disagree

responding in a professional, cold, corporate manner makes the admins feel less like people

and that's the thing

fedi is run by PEOPLE, not by corps

One of the big reasons why a lot of us came here was to get away from the cold uncaring moderation of the big social media companies -- why are we trying to emulate it?

"We don't like instance.tld's misbehaviour, so we're blocking 'em" is way more approachable

meta on moderation and administration in general 


"Instance.tld is being defederated because of how they've been treating our community members" is way better than the gymnastics I've seen various instances perform in order to come across as professional corporate style announcements

and the resulting announcement ends up feeling cheap, it feels hollow, it feels like there's an axe to grind and more often than not it will end up changing how the defed is percieved, oft negatively

meta on moderation and administration in general 

@toydragon your examples are still professional! tone of course differ based on your audience, the sterile corporate tone purely comes from the fact that it has to be acceptable for everyone no matter their background, and corporate rules prevent you from going into too much detail

The point is that your primary goal with a defed announcement should be to simply announce it, not sling mud without evidence, or try to convince the rest of the fediverse to do the same - the evidence should be enough for them to take their own decision

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.