
long, list of common errors annoyingly mastodon is about as good as windows when it comes to avoiding throwing errors during normal operation, so it's less about "how much" and more about "what" - this instance gets 500-1000 failures a day, and I'm basically the only active user

common errors that doesn't matter that much:

ActivityPub::ProcessingWorker - Mastodon::RaceConditionError (seems to come from relays letting you know of a post you already got)

ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound: Couldn't find Status with 'id'=<snowflake id> [WHERE "statuses"."deleted_at" IS NULL] (comes from your instance getting a delete but it doesn't have the activity in the database, so it can't delete something that doesn't exist)

most ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid and ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid errors (usually just incoming activities that either doesn't pass validation because the other instance uses different software, or site previews that are in the wrong encoding)

Av::CommandError: error while running command ffmpeg... (media files are a pain, and sometimes you get broken ones - all this means is that you won't get a reencoded local copy)

Mastodon::UnexpectedResponseError for random URLs (mastodon will try to refresh media, sometimes URLs are time limited and break)

NoMethodError: undefined method `file_remote_url=' for #<MediaAttachment:hexstring> Did you mean? file_meta= (I get this whenever a relay forwards a friendica post)

All kinds of connection errors (instances live and die, and some go down at times - it's worth looking into if it's one and the same domain, but often it's just that someone boosted a post they had in their local database)

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.