
I'm assuming that most of the mastodon instances require approval at this point?

Anyone else getting assaulted with bot registrations again?


I hope most folks require approval by now... 


We were averaging about 30-40 per week on ✨plush✨ city for a while there; most of them had single-word reason statements but a few of them had taken the time to write out a generic excuse like "looking for more socialization" which stand out easily in an instance like ours, but probably wouldn't on most...

This is a serious problem for the fediverse IMHO- the distributed model makes it extremely hard to keep these folks from gaining a foothold.


@mawr @iama Run some of their IPs (if you can see them?) on abuseipdb.com/ and see if they are listed, could probably use that as a basis for automatically denying them?

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Fuzzy Systems Masto

Instance run by a non-profit association, with a mission to encourage an open internet, welcoming to everyone.