
if you want to perform a full refresh of a remote account, which "tootctl accounts refresh" doesn't actually do, set your rails environment like you would with tootctl, then run "rails c" (rails is in the same folder as tootctl)

once it loads you're in the rails console, which lets you run ruby code, you can run the following"<ActivityPub user endpoint>")

To get the user endpoint you need to check webfinger, and grab the record that's rel = self and type = "application/activity+json"

for example, this is my webfinger on my instance:
this is my ActivityPub user endpoint:

· · Web · 1 · 1 · 2

this will reprocess everything to do with that user's profile, like name, emojis, description, and so on

I'm gonna create a PR to upstream to make "tootctl accounts refresh" use this later

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